RAYCHEL GORDON University of 浪花直播, College Park Human Development and Quantitative Methodology raychelgordon.weebly.com | rjgordon@umd.edu Education ________________ Expected 2023 - Ph.D. Candidate in Human Development Specialization in Developmental Science University of 浪花直播, College Park Advisor: Dr. Geetha Ramani 2021 Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Measurement, Statistics, & Evaluation University of 浪花直播, College Park Advisor: Dr. Gregory Hancock 2016 B.A. in Psychology Minors in Linguistics and Deaf Studies Boston University, College of Arts and Sciences Fellowships and Scholarships ________________ 2020 - 2025: Graduate Research Fellowship (Tuition and Stipend; $138,000) National Science Foundation - DGE 1840340 2021 - 2022: Support for Advancing Research and Collaboration Dissertation Grant ($1,000) University of 浪花直播 College of Education 2021 - 2022: Social Development and Learning Scholarship ($1,392) University of 浪花直播 College of Education 2021 - 2022: Bruce W. Sorter Endowed Fellowship ($2,000) University of 浪花直播, Department of Human Development 2020 - 2021: Richard L. Matteson Endowed Scholarship ($1,000) University of 浪花直播 College of Education 2019 - 2020: William C. & William J. Graham Endowed Scholarship ($1,000) University of 浪花直播 College of Education 2018 - 2020: Dean's Fellowship ($10,000 per academic year) University of 浪花直播 College of Education Awards and Honors ________________ 2020: Graduate Student Government Research Grant ($400) University of 浪花直播, College Park 2019: Departmental Travel Award - University of 浪花直播 ($400) Human Development & Quantitative Methodology 2015 - 2016: Senior Thesis Scholarship Recipient (Cost of Research) Museum of Science - Boston, Living Laboratory脗庐 2015 - 2016: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Grant ($2,500) Boston University Scholarly Publications ________________ *Mentored Student Hurst, M. A., Wong, A., Gordon, R., *Alam, A., & Cordes, S. (2022). Children's gesture use provides insight into proportional reasoning strategies. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 214, 105277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105277 Gordon, R. & Ramani, G. B. (2021).Integrating embodied cognition and information processing: A combined model of the role of gesture in children's mathematical environments. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 999. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.650286 Gordon, R., Scalise, N. R., & Ramani, G. B. (2021). Give yourself a hand: The role of gesture and working memory in preschoolers' numerical knowledge. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 208, 105145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105145 Chernyak, N., Turnbull V., Gordon, R., Harris P., & Cordes, S. (2020). Counting promotes proportional moral evaluation in preschool-aged children. Cognitive Development, 56, 100969. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2020.100969 Gordon, R., Chernyak, N., & Cordes, S. (2019). Get to the point: Preschoolers' spontaneous gesture use during a cardinality task. Cognitive Development, 52, 100818. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2019.100818 Manuscripts Under Review and In Preparation ________________ Gordon, R. & Ramani, G. B (Under Review; December 2021). The Relation Between Children's Working Memory and their Use of Gesture Strategies During Arithmetic Problem Solving. Jaeggi, S.M., DePascale, M., Feng, Y., Lin, G., Gordon, R., Tavassolie, N., Ghil, E., Gaye, F., Akhavein, K., Buschkuehl, M., & Ramani G.B. (In Prep; Manuscript draft complete Dec 2021). Comparing Domain-specific, Domain-general, and Combined Intervention Approaches to Improve Children's Numerical Knowledge. Invited Academic Talks ________________ Examining the Theoretical and Empirical Relations Between Gesture, Math, and Executive Function (2021, May). Presented virtually to Susan Levine's Cognitive Development Lab at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. So you want to run a Zoom study: Tips and tricks for online research with kids (2021, February). Presented within the virtual workshop: Developing and Implementing Online Studies with Children, The Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Virtual Conference and Workshop Series. Scholarly Presentations ________________ Oral Presentations Gordon, R. & Ramani, G. B. (TBA 2022). Exploring the Relations Between Children's Working Memory, Math Knowledge, and Gestures Use During Arithmetic. In Gordon, R. (Chair), The Dynamic Relations Between the Presentation of Math Problems, Individual Cognitive Factors, and Problem-Solving Strategies. Symposium to be presented at the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society 2021 Online Conference. Gordon, R., Scalise, N. R., & Ramani, G. B. (April 2021). The Role of Gesture and Working Memory in Head Start Preschoolers' Numerical Knowledge. In M. Libertus (Chair), 浪花直播 and Why are Socioeconomic Status and Young Children's Math Skills Linked? Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Virtual Biennial Meeting. Hurst, M., Wong, A., Gordon, R., *Alam, A., & Cordes, S. (April 2021). Children's Gesture use Provides Insight into Proportional Reasoning Strategies. In J. Tian (Chair), From Proportions to Symbolic Rational Numbers. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Virtual Biennial Meeting. Poster Presentations *Krishnasamy, N., Gordon, R., & Ramani, G.B. (November 2021) Exploring the relations between children's cognitive abilities, age, and gender in relation to their use of gesture strategies during arithmetic problem solving. The Annual Harvard Women in Psychology Trends in Psychology Summit (TiPS) Virtual Presentation due to Covid-19. *Broder, E., *Oliveira, J., Gordon, R., & Ramani, G.B. (April 2021) 浪花直播 did you get that answer?: Arithmetic Performance and Strategy Use in Boys and Girls. University of 浪花直播 Undergraduate Research Day, Virtual Presentation due to Covid-19. *Krishnasamy, N., *Oliveira, J., Gordon, R., & Ramani, G.B. (April 2021) Families Count: Math Talk Between Parents and Children. University of 浪花直播 Undergraduate Research Day, Virtual Presentation due to Covid-19. Gordon, R., Scalise, N. R., & Ramani, G. B. (2020) Helping Hands: A Mathematical Gesture Intervention for Parent-Child Dyads. The 3rd Annual Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (Cancelled due to Covid-19). Gordon, R., & Ramani, G. B. (2020) First Hand Math: A Gesture-Based Early Mathematics Intervention for Low-Income Children. The 3rd Annual Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (Cancelled due to Covid-19). Wong, A., Hurst, M., *Alam, A., Gordon, R., & Cordes, S. (2020) Examining the Effects of Different Types of Gestures on Children's Proportional Reasoning. The 2020 Annual Conference of the Eastern Psychological Association (Cancelled due to Covid-19). Gordon, R., Scalise, N. R., & Ramani, G. B. (2019) Give yourself a hand: Investigating low-income preschoolers' spontaneous gesture use in a numerical task. The Cognitive Development Society Bi-ennial Conference, Louisville, KY. Gordon, R., Rowe, M., & Ramani, G. B. (2019) The relation between math-talk and math-gestures for parent-child dyads. The 2nd Annual Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society, Ottawa, Canada. *Alam, A., Hurst, M., Gordon, R., & Cordes, S. (2018) Exploring the effects of gesture on children's proportional reasoning. Boston College Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Chestnut Hill, MA. Gordon, R., Chernyak, N., & Cordes, S. (2018). Preschoolers' use of spontaneous gesture during a numerical task. Accepted but not presented: 8th International Society for Gesture Studies International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. Chernyak, N., Turnbull, V., Gordon, R., Harris, P., & Cordes, S. (2017). Prompting children to count promotes proportional moral evaluations. The Cognitive Development Society Conference, Portland, OR. Gordon, R., Chernyak, N., & Cordes, S. (2017). Children's spontaneous use of gesture in a numerical task. Cognitive Development Society Conference, Portland, OR. Hawthorne, K., Chernyak, N., Gordon, R., & Cordes, S. (2017). To compete or to collaborate: The effects of collaboration and competition on numerical estimation and executive functioning. Boston College Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, MA. Gordon, R., & Kibbe M. (2016). Young children's learning of gestural and verbal labels for novel objects: The role of meaningfulness. 41st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA. Teaching Experience ________________ 2021: Instructor, Project RISE Summer Academy at University of 浪花直播 Introduction to Nonverbal Communication Developed syllabus and all materials for one week online, synchronous course designed to prepare underrepresented undergraduates with training in education research in order to increase diversity in the pool of students who pursue doctoral studies in fields related to language and literacy. 2021: Invited Guest Lecturer, University of Southern California Children's Learning & Cognitive Development; Teacher & Classroom Influences Mentorship ________________ 2021 - Present Margarette Fernandez (University of 浪花直播) 2020 - Present Neela Vani Krishnasamy (University of 浪花直播) 2020 - 2021 Danielle Bader, Elyse Broder, Julia Oliveira (University of 浪花直播) 2018 - 2020 Carly Sinay, Randilu Amarasinghe (University of 浪花直播) 2017 - 2018 Aziza Alam (Boston College) Service ________________ 2021 - Present Communications Chair, Training Board of The Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (Elected for 2 Year Term). Created MCLS Trainee website (mclstrainee.weebly.com) and maintain social & email accounts. 2020 - Present Researcher & Development Team Member for EF+Math Applied Research Track, Developing a low-cost mobile App to reveal excellence in EFs and Math Learning Journal Review Experience ________________ Reviewer: Developmental Science, Translational Issues in Psychological Science; Co-Reviewer: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology and Early Childhood Research Quarterly Professional Affiliations ________________ American Psychological Association (APA), Cognitive Development Society (CDS), Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS), Providing Opportunities for Women in Educational Research (POWER) Skills and Programming ________________ Data Cleaning & Analysis * R for quantitative & qualitative data cleaning, analysis, and visualization (5 years) * R markdown for ease of analyses, documentation sharing, and communication during different stages of collaboration including manuscript preparation * SPSS for secondary data cleaning, analysis, and visualization (7 years) Data & Database Management * Excel/Google Sheets (8 years) * Filemaker Pro (2 years) * Open Science Framework (osf.io/a8dpj) Data Collection & Coding: (1-4 years) * Video/Audio Recording, Transcription, and Coding: CLAN/CHAT, Preflooker, Zoom * Survey: Qualtrics, Survey Monkey * Eye tracking: Tobii, Eyetribe * Bio-psychological: BIOPAC * Experiment Programming: Realbasic/XOJO, Gorilla Experiment Builder