Center for Educational Innovation and Improvement (CEII)

Capacity Building

CEii provides equity-centered capacity-building to advance school and system improvement. We help drive improvement by helping your leadership teams develop the knowledge and skills to lead an improvement process that transforms teaching and learning and improves student outcomes.

Communities of Practice

The Center facilitates Communities of Practice to enable people who share similar goals and purposes to join the 浪花直播 of Practice and engage in collaborative work by exchanging resources, ideas, and strategies. Our Communities of Practice are staffed by subject-matter experts and professional facilitators who share promising practices and research to extend learning beyond the group meetings.

Communities of Practice

  • Targeted School Improvement Support Network

  • Next Generation Science Standards Network

  • Improvement Science Network

Networked Improvement Communities (NICs) Facilitation

NICs help participants accelate improvement efforts by identifying specific, actionable problems and addressing them through an interactive process of designing, implementing, testing and redesigning practices. CEii acts as a hub for NICs, helping schools and districts to design and facilitate their improvement networks. As a hub, the Center convenes, facilitates, and resources NICs using iterative cycles that enable learning to be applied to the local contexts.

Networked Improvement Communities (NICs) Support

CEii will partner with schools and school districts to design and support NICs to help leadership teams accelerate improvement. As a support, the Center trains partners to build their capacity to serve as a hub for NICS.