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Critical sociocultural approaches to language learning and multilingual development; bilingual education; dialogic classroom practices and peer interaction; bilingual/dual language teacher development and teacher professional learning to center multilingual learners’ funds of knowledge

• Family Processes in Relation to Racial and Antiracist Socialization Processes
• Family- and School-Based Preventive Interventions Targeting Racial Socialization Processes
• Family- and School-Based Preventive Interventions Targeting Academic Functioning in Communities of Color
digital media literacy; civic education; history/social studies education; teacher education; educational technology and equity
Evidence-centered design, cognitive psychology and assessment
cognitive development, mathematics, symbol grounding
Severe disabilities, leisure skills, secondary and transition programming.
Language Policy, language educator preparation, education foundations, bilingual education
Task-based student-centered mathematics teaching. Equity and diversity in mathematics education. Mathematics education of emergent multilingual students
Transition services and secondary education, transition assessment, technology in classroom/community.